With introduction to the foundation (5-S system) and 8 pillars on which the TPM process is built, the implementation of TPM program needs to be understood. This is generally done in 6 steps: 1) share your plans with the entire organization 2) identifying a pilot area, 3) restoring equipment to prime operating condition, 4) measuring OEE, 5) addressing and reducing major losses, and 6) implementing planned maintenance.
Step 1: Share your plans with your entire organization
Implementation of TPM starts with introduction of the program, creating awareness and understands the objectives and value it generates within the organisation. But above all it’s critical that management and supervisors grasp the importance of proper TPM procedures. If managers promote, introduce, and adopt a certain way of working, then shop-floor personnel will generally embrace plans much faster.
Step 2: Identify a Pilot Area
Identifying a work area, or a plant, or an equipment where the production process operates and initiating a pilot implementation of the TPM program helps gain more acceptance from staff when they see the benefits that come out of the process. When choosing equipment for a pilot area, the following criteria should be considered:
Select an equipment that is easiest to work on and the improvement gives you the chance for immediate and positive results;
Choosing equipment based on where production is clearly being held up gives an immediate increase in total output and provides quick payback. The downside is that employing this equipment as a pilot means using a critical asset as an example and risk the chance of it being offline longer than you would like;
Fixing equipment that gives operators the most trouble will be well-received, strengthening support for the TPM program. However, this doesn't give as much immediate payback as the previous approach, and it may be challenging to obtain a quick result from figuring out an unsolved problem, leading to disinterest.
Include employees across all aspects of your business (operators, maintenance personnel, managers and administration) in the pilot selection process. It's a good idea to use a visual like a project board where you can post progress for all to see.
Step 3: Restore Equipment to Prime Operating Condition
This step involves getting started with the pilot test. Define the parameters that the equipment or processes identified in Step 2 should satisfy. The 5S system is a useful tool for doing this because it forces to define the improvements being sought – sort, set, shine, standardize, sustain.
Start by taking photos of the ‘old situation’. Next, tackle the workspace, removing clutter and any spare parts and tools left lying around. Then, clean all the machinery and equipment and take a photo of the workspace in the ‘new situation’. Audits allows to determine whether staff are keeping workspaces neat and tidy over the longer term.
Now the result is a clearer picture of the equipment and machinery and its current state, can start drafting an autonomous maintenance plan. This plan details how to maintain the machinery and workplace, and clearly defines who does what and when.
Once you've established a baseline state of the equipment, you can implement the autonomous maintenance program by training operators on how to clean equipment while inspecting it for wear and abnormalities. Creating an autonomous maintenance program also means developing a standardized way to clean, inspect and lubricate equipment correctly.
Step 4: Measure OEE
Step 4 requires you to track OEE for the target equipment, either manually or using automated software. Regularly measuring OEE gives you a data-driven confirmation on whether your TPM program is working and lets you track progress over time.
Since the biggest losses in regard to equipment are the result of unplanned downtime, it's important to categorize every unplanned stoppage event. This gives a more accurate look at where a stoppage is occurring. Include an "unknown" or "unallocated" stoppage time category for unknown causes.
It's recommended that data is gathered for a minimum of two weeks to get an accurate representation of the unplanned stoppage time and a clear picture of how small stops and slow cycles impact production.
The Impact of TPM on OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiency)
The resultant associated with Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is the OEE. The OEE highlights the actual “Hidden capacity” in an organization. OEE is not an exclusive measure of how well the maintenance department works. The design and installation of equipment as well as how it is operated and maintained affect the OEE. It measures both efficiency (doing things right) and effectiveness (doing the right things) with the equipment. It incorporates three basic indicators of equipment performance and reliability. Thus, OEE is a function of the 3 factors: Availability, Performance and Quality. To know more about OEE please read my previous blog.
Step 5: Address/Reduce Major Losses
Once received a data-driven snapshot of where top losses are, it's time to address them. This step uses the previously discussed pillar of focused improvement or kaizen. To do this, put together a cross-functional team of operators, maintenance personnel and supervisors that can dissect the OEE data using root cause analysis and identify the main cause(s) of the losses. Once the fix has been implemented, restart production and observe how effective the fix is over time. If it resolves the issue, make a note to implement the change and move onto the next cause of stoppage time. If not, gather more information and hold another brainstorming session.
Step 6: Implement Planned Maintenance
it’s time to introduce a proactive maintenance program and integrate this with your regular scheduled maintenance program.
Proactive maintenance focuses primarily on the following issues:
Pay particular attention to fragile systems, machinery, or parts and tooling.
Keep a logbook documenting the condition of systems, machinery, parts, and tooling after each inspection. This allows you to keep track of wear & tear over time and replace parts in time before this causes a problem.
Plan a monthly audit to update your logbook and check that scheduled maintenance is on track.
Quality maintenance should be introduced to the TPM process when significant issues about quality are being raised by customers or employees.
The best time to use early equipment management is when new equipment is in the design phase or is being installed.
Safety, health and environment should always be at the forefront of any process or program design. Use it in tandem with the five-step implementation process.
TPM in administration should be addressed before implementation of the final version of planned maintenance schedule. Issues in administration like work order delays, processing problems and part procurement greatly delay the rest of the production process.

Benefits of Total Productive Maintenance
Proper implementation of TPM can lead to remarkable improvements to all the aspects of manufacturing and production process in industries. It enhances the efficiency of equipment. Moreover TPM is a major tool used to achieve the goals of Lean manufacturing.
The benefits of implementing TPM are many and considering the business they can be split into direct and indirect benefits as follow:
Direct Benefits
- Less unplanned downtime increasing in OEE
- Increase in productivity
- Reduction in customer complaints
- Reduction in workplace accidents
- Reduction in manufacturing costs
- Satisfying the customers requirement
- Increase in employee confidence levels and sense of ownership of the machines/equipment they operate
- Produces a clean, orderly workplace
- Helps to achieve productivity working as a team
- Pollution control measures are followed
- Knowledge sharing and experiences
The success of implementing a Total Productive Maintenance program needs to be sustained over the long term. The employees with the training and knowledge acquired, sense of ownership and being part of the TPM program, play an important function in the future of the company and can see how this improved future benefits them, This create a powerful sense of cohesiveness. Rewarding achievements is an excellent way to strengthen the established cohesiveness among employees.
Also engaging the employees in active leadership roles in the TPM programs motivates them to continuously improve the process, thus able to sustain the success achieved.
The above information on TPM thrusts a big push on maintenance and its importance. Reducing the production losses, the maintenance cost and asset management goes a long way in the success of implementation of TPM. The focus should be to keep the machine running for the maximum duration which will increase productivity and inversely reduce the time spent on maintenance and thereby the cost of production. The more the downtime for maintenance, the less will be the productivity and the increase in cost of production. Best maintenance planning procedures, competent and responsible resources, quality spares will be the factors in improvement in TPM
At its core, TPM is about improving equipment reliability through taking ownership and pride in its upkeep. Done correctly, TPM can have measurable, lasting results such as improved quality output, improved manufacturing maintenance regime, reduced changeover and a proactive culture that “Takes Pride in its Machinery”.
Finally, don't overlook kaizen. Continuous improvement helps your TPM program adapt to changing environments and keeps the program from becoming stale and employees from becoming disinterested.
Researched for articles come from different general websites and some from below mentioned:
Practical TPM: Successful Equipment Management at Agilent Technologies, author: James Leflar
Practical TPM: Successful Equipment Management at Agilent Technologies, author: James Leflar