Spares Management The ability to ensure the availability of the equipment through maintenance interventions, corrective or preventive, depends on the presence and maintenance of an adequate stock of spare parts. It is not exaggerated to consider the unavailability of spare parts as the responsible for 50% of the total down time of a system subject to failure. Of course, the stock levels of the various spare parts depend on the maintenance policies adopted and it represents itself a potential maintenance policy. This is the reason that put the spare parts management at the top priority for any company that want to improve the OEE of the production asset, to have a clear TCO of the machines and to optimize the working capital on spare parts. What is Spare Parts Management? Spare Parts Management is all about maintaining the relevant parts stock in the appropriate location adhering to quality, at optimal cost and available at the right time. This ensures that the efficiency and operating...

"Digitisation offers unprecedented opportunities for improvement. While until a few years ago, computerization of production could be considered an investment for complex production units, today it may be the only way to remain competitive in the market. I want to share my research and my direct experience on process machinery of how Industry 4.0 and Digitization are transforming the way to organize the production and maintenance to achieve maximum performance."